Teenagers want to explore their interests, have fun and be with friends. But they also need to make sure their free time is well-balanced with other activities.

How to Teach Teens For Free
How to Teach Teens For Free

That’s why it’s important to find ways to keep your teen entertained without breaking the bank. Here are some ideas that will get your teen out of the house and into the world without spending a fortune.

Free college courses

If you are a teenager and want to learn for free, there are plenty of online courses available. These are aimed at helping you keep your mind sharp and prepare you for high school and college.

These free college courses are offered by top lecturers and teachers from universities all over the world. They understand that teenagers are a crucial part of the education system as they have the potential to make a successful career for themselves in the future.

Teenagers need to know how to protect the Earth and avoid climate change since they are the future of our planet. This course teaches them how to do this by learning about science and global health.

This free online course is aimed at teaching teens key concepts on how to prevent injuries of all kinds. It also teaches them about emergency procedures, medical responses and quarantine laws.

Work experience

Having some work experience will help your teen develop the skills employers look for – teamwork, organisation, creativity and communication. It will also give them an idea of what a job is like and will help them decide what career path to follow.

For example, if your teen is interested in a creative field, volunteering at a local drama group can be a good option. This will give them experience of working in a school environment and will also improve their social skills.

Teens can also get work experience by volunteering at their local library, where they can assist with a range of activities such as reading and writing books. This will give them a feel for how the library operates and it will be helpful on their CV.


Teen writing is an important way for teens to practice grammar, keep their mind active, and develop their creativity. It also helps them build writing skills that will be useful for future academic and professional pursuits.

The most common types of writing teens do for school are taking notes in class and writing essays. Almost nine in ten teens (86%) have done these activities for school in the past year.

Non-school writing is a slightly less common activity. Among teens who ever write for personal reasons, nearly one in ten (13%) do so just about every day, while an additional 23 percent do it several times a week or more.

This type of writing is often used to explore emotional struggles a teen may be facing, which can be therapeutic and provide hope during times of trouble. However, it is important to keep in mind that this type of writing can feel a bit heavy for younger readers, so don’t be afraid to include a positive message in your story.

Community service

Teens can get involved in community service as a way to give back to the community and gain new skills. These experiences also help them build self-confidence, independence and a positive attitude towards life.

Volunteering is an excellent line item to add to a high school student’s resume and can also be helpful during college application season. It can help them develop leadership, communication, teamwork, dependability and time management skills that they may not have learned in a classroom setting.

There are many local, statewide and national organizations that offer volunteer opportunities for teens, from cleaning up parks to fundraising for AIDS awareness campaigns. Find one that fits your teen’s interests and commitment level to ensure long-lasting participation.

Teens can also donate their time and talents to nonprofits that help the homeless or elderly, or work on a long-term project with Habitat for Humanity. This type of volunteering gives them the chance to work on building projects while learning valuable skills like repairing, painting and fundraising.