A queef shouldn’t be anything to be ashamed of for women during sex. A queef are pockets of air sneaking out of your vagina in a quick burst that sound like farts but they don’t have anything to do with digestion like actual farts. Farts are seen as gross, dirty and taboo and are defiantly not sexy during intercourse but queefs aren’t farts at all.
Queefing happens to literally everyone and you aren’t doing it right if you don’t hear some weird noises during sex.
Queefs are literally the same thing as someone making a farting noise with their lips but this noise is coming from the pussy lips. Queefs can happen pretty much at anytime not just during sex, but there are certain activities where queefing is more at risk. During sex or masturbation it may happen more because penises, fingers and sex toys can push air up in the vagina. So your most intimate moments are those moments when you might just let out a big queef. If it happens to you just remember it is completely natural and nothing to be embarrassed about. If your partner is grossed out, pick up your phone and Google Talk121 and show him this post and get back to fucking.
Like everything else there is actually communities who have a fetish for queefs. You can add this one to the giant box of kinks. Some people are turned on by noises in the bedroom and during sex in general, hence why queefing gets some people aroused. It is a sign of penetration and sexual intercourse because it mostly happens during the act of sex, so maybe the queef has just become synonymous with sex. Queefing fetishes classical fit into the conditioning theory, where if we experience a bodily function during orgasm or arousal we will start to love it and get turned on.
You can find some on our chat lines that has the same fetishes that you have by picking up your phone and calling into Talk121’s local number in your area and recording a simple description of yourself and what you’re looking for. Who knows, maybe you’ll mark the “X” on our chat lines and end your queef quest with us.