Sex dice are a fun way to enhance a sexual ambiance and promote foreplay. The sex dice have faces, one for each part of the body.

Sex Dice - How to Use Them Effectively
Sex Dice – How to Use Them Effectively

To increase the foreplay factor, you must give sexual attention to the face of the body part that was chosen. Here are some tips to use these dice effectively. All the faces on the sex dice are related to body parts. These die faces will make your partner want to squirm!

Tempt and Tease

Tempt and Tease Dice is a fun way to spice up your love life. With the help of three dice, you can determine the sexy action you wish to perform on your partner. The dice also tell you what body part you should be focusing on, as well as the duration of the sexy action. You can explore various erogenous zones while playing this fun game. And with a handy size, it can sit by your bedside table.

With Tempt and Tease Dice, you can explore different levels of intimacy and passion with your partner. It can spark a spontaneous act. Regardless of your level of desire, you and your partner can choose to perform different sexual acts, and the length of each will depend on the results of the dice. Sexual dice are designed to please a wide variety of partners, and the dice make it easy to choose which sexy act you’d like to perform.

A sexual dice game is a great way to spice up a date or getaway. You and your partner roll three dice to see which one has the sexy action and which part you should kiss. You can play this game for as long as you wish, allowing you to play the game as much as you want. You can even add up to the number of minutes spent doing something sexy with your partner.


If you want to spice up your sex life, you’ll love the Loopy sexual dice. These fun and addictive spinners are perfect for creating intimate conversation and arousing all 5 senses. The cards describe the sex act in paragraph-long detail. Whether you’re looking for a playful way to stimulate your love life, or you’re just curious, Loopy is sure to make you and your partner swoon.

The design of the game makes it easy to enjoy with a date. The 150 cards are divided into four levels of intimacy. The game even comes with a satin blindfold, which adds to the sexy atmosphere. Loopy has four different levels of play and many surprises. The game also has a nice surprise at the end – a hidden card. Each level of the game features provoking questions and creative tasks designed to test your partner’s sex drive.

This fun game is the perfect gift for couples or even the entire family! You can use the cards and die to encourage different actions during sex. For example, if you roll a seven on a foreplay card, you should use a lighter touch during the foreplay. The naughty and steamy cards will encourage sexy moves and positions! The sex positions in Loopy are also a great way to learn new skills and get a partner hooked on new sexual activities.

The ‘Naughty Game’ is a generic name for the sex dice game. The game uses two dice: one tells you what to do and the other tells you where to do it. Your choice of whom to do is entirely up to you! Some sex dice break up the art of lovemaking into separate positions and acts. Loopy sexual dice skip these roles and positions and combine two different actions into one!